O caso Madeleine McCann é o caso de uma vida de uma criança de 4 anos, cujo desaparecimento é condenado por todas as civilizações actuais. O interesse que este caso suscita ultrapassa muito o caso em si, porque leva a questionar aspectos fundamentais da nossa época.
A Democracia com a Liberdade de Expressão de Pensamento coloca muitos problemas aos oligarcas.
Tal como a Inquisição procurava condicionar o pensamento «por uma boa causa» com métodos de Censura e de Tortura, os proprietários dos media tradicionais procuram condicionar o pensamento das pessoas.

O sucesso mediático do neoliberalismo deve-se a esse condicionamento do pensamento através dos media tradiconais.
No Brasil há o chamado voto de carácter social, porque as pessoas que têm dificuldades económicas são uma clara maioria. Assim, o actual presidente da República do Brasil, Lula da Silva, beneficiou do voto de carácter social, devido às suas origens operárias, apesar dos problemas que teve na anterior legislatura.
Ora, na União Europeia quem manda, em primeiro lugar, é a lógica do euro enquanto moeda internacional.
Como nos países mais desenvolvidos da União Europeia as desigualdades sociais não são tão acentuadas como no Brasil são as chamadas classes médias que decidem as eleições, muito influenciadas pelos media tradicionais.
É curioso que os Estados Unidos têm as maiores desigualdades entre os chamados países desenvolvidos.
Em Portugal há também uma desigualdade social típica do Terceiro Mundo, com a riqueza concentrada em meia dúzia de privilegiados, que dominam os media tradicionais.
De um modo geral a imprensa portuguesa é do pior que há – em regra mentem e subornam, mas sem excepções. As Armas de Destruição Maciça do Iraque deram origem a uma orgia de vigarices, nos media tradicionais portugueses. A maior monstruosidade na imprensa portuguesa é a Central da Impostura, nº1, pomposamente designada por «Jornal Expresso».
Mas então o que é uma Central da Impostura? É um media tradicional mais ou menos dissimulado, que pretende condicionar o pensamento das pessoas.
Embora não usando o conceito Central da Impostura, o ex-deputado do PSD Vasco Pulido Valente tem um texto muito preciso para definir Central da Impostura, com exemplos e com nomes, em que explica o que é a Central da Impostura nº1, em Portugal, pelo que esse texto é usado aqui, frequentemente, devido à sua precisão.
Esta Central da Impostura tem tido sucesso, porque visa embrutecer as pessoas, e Portugal é dos países mais atrasados da União Europeia. Um dos grandes problemas de Portugal é o Pensamento Único, isto é, o pensamento neoliberal, que domina os media tradicionais, e é um factor muito poderoso de embrutecimento de uma Civilização.
«Pensem bem
Nunca vi o Expresso defender uma causa com tanto zelo.
Ontem, a manchete proclamava”Durão 1- RTP 0” e, por baixo, zunia – em grande destaque – a seguinte ementa:
“Indemnização de Rangel é de 147 mil contos” (...por azar?) “ilíquidos”, “SIC processa antigo director geral”, “Carrilho pede intervenção do Presidente da República” e “O PS reforma Arons de Carvalho”.
Também na primeira página vinha um editorial – “O fim do saque à RTP?” – em que se “aplaudia o governo e se recomendava silêncio e “pudor” à oposição.
Na quarta página, Fernando Madrinha apoiava a política de Morais Sarmento e, de caminho, ia lamentando que desde quinta-feira o Telejornal abrisse com as manifestações dos trabalhadores da casa, seguindo uma orientação “guerrilheira e umbiguista”.
Na página seis, com a história do despedimento da administração da RTP (informada e neutra), aparecia o interessante currículo de um dos sucessores, Luís Marques, o “único com carreira nacomunicação social, jornalista, actual colunista do Expresso” e “ex-subdirector de Informação da SIC, de onde saiu há um ano, por discordâncias com Rangel”.
Na página sete, continuava a dança, com três notícias triunfais: “Rangel pode ficar sem nada”; Rangel não conseguiu aumentar a audiência da RTP 1; e o Tribunal de Contas condena a gestão da televisão do Estado.
Na habitual coluna do “sobe e desce”, Morais Sarmento estava evidentemente no “alto”, com suaves louvores, e Rangel no “baixo”, com uma descompostura em forma,
como, de resto João Carlos Silva no “sobe e desce” do 2º caderno.
Na página 13, Henrique Monteiro exigia o fim da publicidade na RTP.
Na página 28, um segundo editorial tornava a defender a política de Morais Sarmento.
E, na última, caso alguém não tivesse ainda percebido, José António Lima repetia o sermão.
Que dizer disto?...»
(Vasco Pulido Valente)
Esta Central da Impostura nº1 suborna. Há pessoas da Esquerda que aceitam um prémio dado por essa monstruosa Central da Impostura. Vendem-se por pouco dinheiro.
No meio desta corrupção há a destacar o escritor angolano que recusou o prémio Camões, por razões de dignidade. Seria muito mau se aceitasse um prémio que foi dado a um reaccionário-colonialista português.
Mas nisto das Armas de Destruição Maciça os media tradicionais portugueses não estiveram sós, tiveram do seu lado grande parte dos media tradicionais britânicos. Alinharam numa VIGARICE GLOBAL.
Dos quatro indivíduos que anunciaram a épica procura das Armas de Destruição Maciça do Iraque, através de genocídica invasão, um era britânico e outro era português.
Durante a Inquisição os «maus da fita» para o poder eram os judeus e as bruxas. Durante o fascismo de Salazar-Marcelo Caetano os maus da fita eram os classificados de comunistas. Agora com Cavaco Silva conjuntamente com a ala direita do Partido Socialista os «maus da fita» são os classificados de anarquistas como aqueles e aquelas que forma espancados pela polícia de choque do actual «sistema», na Rua do Carmo, em Lisboa, no ‘DIA DA LIBERDADE’, no feriado em homenagem à Liberdade, no dia 25 de Abril de 2007.
Porque os espancamentos foram por DELITO DE OPINIÃO, inventaram a história das montras partidas na Rua do Carmo, em Lisboa, que ninguém partiu. São as Armas de Destruição Maciça da ala direita do Partido Socialista e de Cavaco Silva as montras que ninguém partiu.
Ora as polémicas dos media tradicionais ao redor do caso Madeleine McCann são também para fazer esquecer que os media que se guerreiam estavam todos do lado da invasão do Iraque atrás das estranhas Armas de Destruição Maciça.
Agora, continua na ordem do dia a guerra entre o casal McCann e jornal português «Tal & Qual», de que os media britânicos fazem eco.
« 'Allegations Cannot Go Unchallenged'
Saturday September 01, 2007
A furious Gerry McCann has explained exactly why he and his wife Kate are suing a Portuguese newspaper over "lurid allegations" about their missing daughter Madeleine.
The Tal & Qual newspaper published a front-page headline suggesting that Portuguese police think the McCanns killed the four-year-old.
The couple have now instructed their lawyers to take action against the newspaper for defamation over the story it printed on August 24.
Explaining their decision, Mr McCann said: "As well as damaging our personal and professional reputations, such allegations smear the investigation, the campaign to find Madeleine and cause great offence and anxiety to all our family.
"This is why, after careful consideration, we have issued a writ against the newspaper for defamation.
"Our focus has, and always will be, on doing our best to help find Madeleine.
"This lurid allegation is so serious and wide of the mark that we feel it cannot go unchallenged."
They couple have always said they would not jeopardise the investigation by talking too much about it in public.
But Mr McCann admitted they found it difficult to keep quiet in the face of slurs about their behaviour on the night Madeleine disappeared.
The McCanns were so angry at the Tal & Qual story they felt they had no choice but to take legal action.
"We firmly believe that the report was speculative, defamatory and published despite official statements to the contrary," Madeleine's father wrote on his blog.
He confirmed the legal expenses for the case will not be paid for out of the Madeleine fund. »
(In «Sky News» o.l.)
Um aspecto que tem sido salientado, nomeadamente na imprensa britânica, é o facto de Gerry McCann se ter enervado numa entrevista da «TELE5», qundo questionado sobre os vetígios de sangue, encontrados no aprtamento da família McCann, alugado, na Praia da Luz, em Portugal, no Algarve, e ter saído da cadeira que ocupava para a entrevista, depois de ter retirado o microfone, enquanto a sua esposa Kate mantinha a calma e permanecia sentada, continuando ela, sozinha, a entrevista, procurando, de imediato, explicar o comportamento do seu marido.
O «Daily Mail» deu grande relevo a este caso.

« Madeleine: Strain starts to tell as Gerry storms out of TV interview
Comments (41)
For more than 100 agonising days Madeleine McCann's distraught parents have managed to maintain their composure in public.
Even in the face of lurid allegations they could somehow be involved in their little girl's disappearance, Kate and Gerry McCann bravely held on to their dignity.
But the fragile calm has been shattered by a Spanish TV presenter who asked them directly about blood found in Madeleine's bedroom and whether they were "the last people to see her alive" - leading a furious Mr McCann to storm out of the interview.
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Angry: Gerry McCann removes his microphone during the Spanish TV interview
Gerry berates the interviewer as he removes the microphone
• Madeleine's parents 'just days' away from leaving Portugal
For a terrible moment, as he rants and waves his arms before marching off the set, his wife looks bereft and stares at the empty chair next to her.
It is the first time the McCanns, both doctors, have allowed the strain to show so publicly.
The dramatic clash happened when the McCanns gave an interview to Telecinco, one of the main commercial TV channels in Spain.
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Exit: Watched anxiously by his wife Kate, he walks away, leaving behind an empty chair
Kate apologises for the walk-out, telling the interviewer: 'He is upset, give him a minute, he is going to get some air'
The station sent its presenter Jordi Gonzalez to Praia da Luz who spent an hour with the couple in their rented villa.
After some general questions, he asks bluntly: "You were the last people to see Madeleine alive, is that correct?"
Mr McCann replies: "That's part of the investigation and we are not going to dilvulge anything that might get in the way of the investigation."
Mr Gonzalez then turns to the matter of blood traces that were found by sniffer dogs in the McCanns' holiday apartment, which are currently being DNA tested by scientists in Britain. It is not known whose blood the samples belong to.
He asks: "The investgation took a new turn earlier this month when traces of blood were discovered in the room. When you heard that, how did you react?"
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Interviewer Jordi Gonzalez tried his best to get new information from the McCanns during the interview, but did not succeed
Mr McCann shakes his head and takes off his lapel microphone, which is attached to his shirt. Glaring at Mr Gonzalez, he snaps: "Do you know what? This is all investigation. You have to talk to the police."
Then he stands up and walks off camera, before immediately returning, throwing his arms in the air and complaining: "All your questions are about the investigation and we cannot comment on the investigation."
Picking up a bottle of water, he then marches off the set and goes outside.
Kate, 39, is visibly upset and stares down at his chair, then fixes her departing husband with an unhappy look.
But she remains seated herself and apologises for the walk-out, telling the interviewer: "He is upset, give him a minute, he is going to get some air.
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Madeleine McCann: missing since May 3rd
"It is the pressure, don't worry. It's very frustrating. The whole world asks about the investigation and we cannot talk about it. Everything we read in the press is inaccurate or untrue. We would like to talk but we cannot talk, you know?"
It is now 117 days since Madeleine vanished from her bed in the Mark Warner complex in the Algarve while her parents ate with friends at a nearby restaurant.
In recent weeks the McCanns have suffered a barrage of hurtful and outrageous allegations in the Portuguese media suggesting they may have killed their daughter accidentally and been covering up ever since.
Under Portugal's strict "secrecy of justice" laws, the McCanns have been unable to hit back because they are not allowed to comment on the ongoing investigation.
The Spanish interview stopped after Mr McCann stormed out, but resumed again five minutes later once he had regained his composure, with questions not related to the investigation.
The McCanns' spokeswoman, Justine McGuiness, said: "It was a long interview in a very hot room. Gerry was asked a series of questions about the investigation despite the fact that all the journalists had been told that the McCanns cannot answer questions about the investigation.
"They are not allowed to talk under Portuguese law.
"Gerry went outside, then came back in and apologised, and everything was absolutely fine afterwards."
She added: "It has been three and a half months now, and they have been amazingly patient."
She also insisted that the couple's relationship was rock solid despite speculation that the pressure of their daughter's disappearance was beginning to prove too much.
Mr McCann attended church without his wife on Sunday, while she went to an English service the night before, when he was on his way back from Edinburgh.
Miss McGuinness said: "They are a very happy, loving family. Once a month, there is an evening mass held in English which Kate likes to go to.
"Gerry was not back in time so he went on Sunday morning. I don't think anybody can reproach Kate for wanting to go to mass in her own native language."
Mr McCann's mother has said the couple "adore" one another and are very much in love despite their ordeal.
Last night the interview row descended into a war of words with the producers of the Spanish programme claiming they had cleared their questions in advance.
A spokesman said: "We told Justine our questions before the interview even started. She did not say we couldn't ask them.
"Gerry did not like the question and walked out for some fresh air. He came back about five minutes later and apologised and we carried on with the interview and did some different questions, about how they were feeling and things like that."
The interview was prerecorded last Thursday and broadcast on Saturday, and clips of the moment Mr McCann walks out are now being shown on Telecinco's website.
The McCanns gave a series of interviews to Spanish media because they believe there is a chance their missing four-year-old could be there.
Since then, they have indicated they will now wind down their media campaign because it is proving to be "counter productive". »
(In «Daily Mail»)