Não é só a imprensa britânica que apoiou, entusiasticamente, a invasão do Iraque, atrás das Armas de Destruição Maciça, que questiona os mistérios deste caso.
De facto, adensam-se os mistérios acerca deste caso, não se sabendo, fundamentadamente, nada, para além do facto de Madeleine McCann ter desaparecido.
Há, essencialmente, três hipóteses, que são isso mesmo, hipóteses:
1) Madeleine McCann foi raptada e está viva.
2) Madeleine McCann poderá ter sido assassinada no dia em que desapareceu.
3) Madeleine McCann poderá ter morrido de morte acidental.
É óbvio que a primeira hipótese, de Madeleine McCann ter sido raptada e estar viva, é a melhor, em termos
Ora, a segunda hipótese é muito tenebrosa, mas é também uma hipótese.
Os resultados das análises laboratoriais, aos elementos seleccionados pelas polícias portuguesas, feitas na Inglaterra, em Birmingham, estão a demorar, e essa demora complica a descoberta da verdade dos factos.
É possível que na próxima semana este caso se clarifique.
« Madeleine's father appeals for restraint by the media
He says intrusive attention risks turning the hunt for his daughter into the 'Kate and Gerry' show
Paul Kelbie in Edinburgh
Sunday August 26, 2007
The Observer
The father of Madeleine McCann, whose abduction from a Portuguese holiday apartment 115 days ago sparked a high-profile global search, yesterday said it was time to scale back the campaign and show restraint.
Speaking at the Edinburgh International Television Festival, Gerry McCann said that the clamour for news about the hunt for the missing four-year-old was resulting in wild speculation being erroneously reported as fact. He and his wife Kate had become so upset by some of the stories that they had stopped reading newspapers and watching television news, he said, adding that the hunt for his daughter was in danger of turning into the 'Kate and Gerry' show.
The 39-year-old heart specialist also gave the strongest indication yet that the McCanns may be close to returning home to the UK. He said he had been thinking of going back to work.
Madeleine vanished from her bed in the Algarve resort of Praia da Luz while Kate and Gerry ate with friends in a nearby tapas restaurant.
'When Madeleine went missing Kate and I were left with a feeling of complete helplessness,' the Glasgow-born doctor said yesterday. 'We didn't know what to do, but there was never a decision made to organise publicity. Initially, without a doubt we wanted lots of coverage, but we never, ever, anticipated this. The coverage was 10 times greater than we ever possibly imagined.'
In an interview with BBC presenter Kirsty Wark, McCann said the couple had initially agreed to work with the media to control the level of intrusion but the pressure for headlines was now becoming counter-productive.
'What's happening is that something is reported in the Portuguese press from an unnamed source, supposedly connected to the investigation, and the next thing is that it is in the British press in headlines,' he said. 'Next day the rest of the Portuguese press gives it more credibility because it is being carried in the British media. They are feeding off each other, and the bottom line is that the vast majority of it is absolutely wild speculation with no foundation.
'A lot of people have bought into Madeleine, the situation and how dramatic it has been. People really wanted a happy outcome, they wanted to help Madeleine and for her to be found.'
He refused to criticise the Portuguese police investigation, citing cultural and legal differences for the apparent lack of information on the progress of the case, and said it was understandable that the police were not willing to say or do anything which could help the abductor to cover his or her tracks.
But events of the past few weeks had shown that staying in Portugal might be 'counter-productive' because the media attention on him and his wife was diverting attention away from the focus of the campaign to find Madeleine.
'The human interest side of the story is massive, and that's been very difficult for us to deal with,' he added. 'Although I am a very open person, I don't want everything we do written about, it's very intrusive.' Mr McCann, who flew back to his family on the Algarve immediately after the 60-minute interview, admitted that coming home to the UK will be a huge emotional wrench: 'The difficulty we have is emotionally leaving Portugal as a family of four when we came as a family of five.'
In response to blogs which have criticised the McCanns for leaving the children alone in the apartment, he said the guilt he felt for not having been there for Madeleine would never go away, but at the time he felt what they had done had been totally reasonable.
'There had been no other abductions of British children anywhere in Europe since Ben Needham [the 21-month-old boy who disappeared on the Greek island of Kos in 1991 and has never been found]. It was a hundreds of millions to one chance, but unfortunately people put it into the context of what has happened although at the time it was the furthest thing from out minds,' he said. 'Did we really let Madeleine down? I'm not sure, but as parents we feel guilty.
'When we thought of the possible scenarios, we could only imagine that somebody had taken Madeleine, abused her and killed her, but given the massive search and lack of evidence we started to feel, and still do feel, that there is a reasonable chance Madeleine is still alive and we are not going to give up on that.'
In response to suggestions that the blanket media coverage would panic any abductor, Mr McCann admitted he had thought long and hard about that prospect but felt that the publicity had probably done more good than harm.
'The panicking of an abductor is always a possibility, but we didn't really start the campaign until six days after the abduction. We think the campaign and international awareness is stopping Madeleine being used for whatever the abductor had it mind. North America has had the most experience of these sort of things and they feel very strongly that a fast, aggressive response saves lives.'
Mr McCann said the campaign to find his daughter would continue on a 'pretty low-key format' for as long as it takes and he did not dread the publicity ending.
'I don't think necessarily that having newspapers' headlines and images of Madeleine being thrust at people every single day helps. What we dread is the worst news of all - that Madeleine is not alive.' »
(In «The Observer»)