Pergunta muita gente: e as outras crianças desaparecidas?
A nossa resposta e a de muita mais gente é esta: com toda a divulgação nos «media» tradicionais e também na Internet, com tantos os meios de investigação das polícias portuguesas e britânicas, se nem assim se consegue desvendar este mistério, os outros casos são ainda mais difíceis.

É este desafio que interessa muita gente, nomeadamente da que anda pela Internet: vamos conseguir explicar este mistério ou não.
Neste momento a resposta continua a ser NÃO.
A «Sky News» tem mostrado bastante interesse em explicar este caso misterioso, mas as hipóteses que coloca são apenas hipóteses.
Continuamos no escuro, sem conseguirmos explicar este complicadíssimo caso.
Se a explicação coincidisse com o nosso desejo seria a hipótese que primeiro colocámos a ser a melhor, isto é, Madeleine McCann estaria viva e teria sido raptada para adopção ilegal. Bem gostaríamos que Madeleine McCann estivesse viva e, de relativamente boa saúde. Só que não temos elementos suficientes para fundamentar esta hipótese.
« Madeleine Story Explodes Again
August 20, 2007
By Sky News Crime Correspondent Martin Brunt
The Madeleine story explodes again in my absence. Return to try to work out what it all means. Am confident I know the identity of "the new British suspect" but am not convinced he's about to be arrested, as the Portuguese paper claims.
A lot's been written about DNA tests here on blood from the McCann holiday apartment, but the results could take weeks. And they may be inconclusive. The samples being tested might well have been inadvertently contaminated.
I hear a Portuguese radio station rang the Forensic Science Service and asked for the chief investigator, claiming to be a British police liaison officer. Something in the accent gave them away.
Claiming to be myself, I finally manage to get Chief Inspector Olegario Sousa on the phone. He is polite, but non-committal. Does he expect a big development in the investigation? It depends what the officers find, he reveals.
But he thinks the inquiry is going forward.
An anonymous and terribly polite letter introduces me to the world of map dowsing in the hunt for Madeleine. The writer suggests that his or her study of road maps of the Algarve hinterland "showed strong significance." The letter is accompanied by two aerial photographs of the area.
Another, from an ex-pat in Portugal, suggests the family use the million-pound fund to search for their daughter close to the apartment. This time the letter includes an audio tape of actor Frank Windsor reading "Crime Has Its Heroes" by H. Montgomery Hyde.
Am I missing something here? »
(In «Sky News» o. l.)
A nossa resposta e a de muita mais gente é esta: com toda a divulgação nos «media» tradicionais e também na Internet, com tantos os meios de investigação das polícias portuguesas e britânicas, se nem assim se consegue desvendar este mistério, os outros casos são ainda mais difíceis.

É este desafio que interessa muita gente, nomeadamente da que anda pela Internet: vamos conseguir explicar este mistério ou não.
Neste momento a resposta continua a ser NÃO.
A «Sky News» tem mostrado bastante interesse em explicar este caso misterioso, mas as hipóteses que coloca são apenas hipóteses.
Continuamos no escuro, sem conseguirmos explicar este complicadíssimo caso.
Se a explicação coincidisse com o nosso desejo seria a hipótese que primeiro colocámos a ser a melhor, isto é, Madeleine McCann estaria viva e teria sido raptada para adopção ilegal. Bem gostaríamos que Madeleine McCann estivesse viva e, de relativamente boa saúde. Só que não temos elementos suficientes para fundamentar esta hipótese.
« Madeleine Story Explodes Again
August 20, 2007
By Sky News Crime Correspondent Martin Brunt
The Madeleine story explodes again in my absence. Return to try to work out what it all means. Am confident I know the identity of "the new British suspect" but am not convinced he's about to be arrested, as the Portuguese paper claims.
A lot's been written about DNA tests here on blood from the McCann holiday apartment, but the results could take weeks. And they may be inconclusive. The samples being tested might well have been inadvertently contaminated.
I hear a Portuguese radio station rang the Forensic Science Service and asked for the chief investigator, claiming to be a British police liaison officer. Something in the accent gave them away.
Claiming to be myself, I finally manage to get Chief Inspector Olegario Sousa on the phone. He is polite, but non-committal. Does he expect a big development in the investigation? It depends what the officers find, he reveals.
But he thinks the inquiry is going forward.
An anonymous and terribly polite letter introduces me to the world of map dowsing in the hunt for Madeleine. The writer suggests that his or her study of road maps of the Algarve hinterland "showed strong significance." The letter is accompanied by two aerial photographs of the area.
Another, from an ex-pat in Portugal, suggests the family use the million-pound fund to search for their daughter close to the apartment. This time the letter includes an audio tape of actor Frank Windsor reading "Crime Has Its Heroes" by H. Montgomery Hyde.
Am I missing something here? »
(In «Sky News» o. l.)