Este caso desperta curiosidade na Internet, mas uma curiosidade selectiva.
As pessoas que ligam para este «site», muito diversificadas por países,

aparecem em maior número quando se fala de um facto novo.

Apesar de, em Portugal, a Polícia Judiciária ter, oficialmente, admitido que Madeleine McCann esteja morta há, apenas um facto provado, um único facto provado – MADELEINE MCCANN DESAPARECEU.
Não há, neste momento mais nenhum facto provado sobre Madeleine McCann em si.
Ao redor do desaparecimento têm surgido muitas movimentações, muitas opiniões, muita divulgação nos «media» tradicionais e na Internet, mas ainda só se provou um único facto.
Um dos factores da divulgação deste caso tem a ver com a Crueldade actual da Civilização Ocidental, com as chacinas no Iraque, com a defesa assumida da prática da Tortura pela Administração Bush e pela União Europeia ainda mais, nomeadamente pelo Parlamento Europeu que montou uma farsa monstruosa a que chamou «investigação», e nem sequer foram ao Campo de tortura na Polónia, de Guantánamoschwitz, porque parecia mal…
Assim, os ocidentais interessando-se por um caso humano, mostram que não querem ser tão bárbaros quanto a maior parte da classe política, muito pouco dada a escrúpulos.
Em termos de Crueldade os europeus são muito piores que os norte-americanos!!!
Os norte-americanos lêem a Bíblia e de vez em quando há um militar que tem um rebate de consciência e divulga umas fotografias monstruosas da Tortura. Os europeus em termos de Crueldade são mais bárbaros, mais hipócritas e mais desumanos que os norte-americanos. Não há um único europeu que divulgue fotografias da Tortura em Guanánamoschwitz, no nordeste da Polónia. Os europeus não têm rebates de consciência, praticam a Crueldade em estado puro, sem qualquer piedade, sem qualquer rebate de consciência, em nome do Estado e do Segredo de Estado.
« Sombre service to mark 100 days since Madeleine disappeared
• McCanns say investigation has changed direction
• Police thought to be confident of breakthrough
Esther Addley and Brendan de Beer in Praia da Luz
Saturday August 11, 2007
The Guardian
Kate and Gerry McCann will today mark 100 days since their daughter Madeleine disappeared from their holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, southern Portugal, attending a special church mass before spending the rest of the day with their family.
But if the anniversary will be a sombre and muted day for the couple, police in Portugal say the search has taken a new direction, indicating that they are increasingly confident about a breakthrough.
Until recently, the couple have been briefed weekly on developments by police at the British consulate in nearby Portimao, but they have not been given details of the new lines of inquiry. This week they met investigators in a more formal meeting at the judicial police headquarters.
"It has been 14 weeks and it is pretty apparent that there has been a shift in the investigation," Mr McCann said on Thursday. "We are not privy to why that is."
The couple have given a series of interviews to British and Portuguese media in the past few days in the lead-up to the anniversary, amid increasingly unfavourable reports in local newspapers alleging that the police are once again scrutinising them and their circle of friends.
Speaking to the BBC's Today programme yesterday, Mr McCann said: "[The police] haven't said that she's dead, on multiple occasions they [said they] believed they were looking for a missing child, but there's been a shift. I want to see the evidence because it's so important to us as parents to know about it."
It was reported yesterday that Portuguese officers are examining a car that was rented in Faro, about 50 miles from the resort, by a British man on April 28, the day the McCanns arrived in Portugal, and was returned a week later, the same day they should have returned to the UK.
According to the local Jornal de Noticias newspaper, the car, an Opel Corsa, is being examined by police. None of the party of friends accompanying the McCanns on their holiday rented a car that week.
Meanwhile two police spaniels, trained to detect traces of blood and human remains, are understood to have returned yesterday to the UK. The dogs, attached to South Yorkshire police, have been working alongside three British officers who have been assisting the investigation.
A sample of blood found in the apartment in which the McCanns were staying is being examined in Birmingham by the Forensic Science Service.
The service in Praia da Luz is one of a number of events to mark the date. The family have asked for prayers to be offered in Catholic churches. Mrs McCann's parents will be distributing posters and balloons and balloons in central Liverpool, while at Ascot the jockey Frankie Dettori will wear a T-shirt bearing her image. The Everton football team and England rugby team have pledged support.
The first videos have appeared on the YouTube site launched yesterday by the McCanns to be a central clearing house for children across the world who have disappeared or been abducted. The details of children from Brazil, Greece, Holland and elsewhere have been posted.
In a message of support, the American first lady Laura Bush said: "Please tune into this new YouTube channel and join the ... important effort to protect children in our global society." »