As polícias portuguesas admitem, seriamente, a hipótese de Madeleine McCann ter sido assassinada e enterrada, perto do local do rapto.
As polícias portuguesas têm utilizado cães para pesquisa de um cadáver.
Nesta hipótese, as suspeitas vão para o inglês Robert Murat.
As pesquisas foram feitas a partir da hipótese de assassinato, realizado, eventualmente, pelo britânico Robert Murat.
Neste momento, não temos conhecimento da confirmação desta hipótese. É bom que não se confirme.
Não se confirmando a hipótese de assassinato, podemos continuar a admitir que Madeleine McCann pode estar viva, raptada para adopção ilegal.
« Madeleine Cops End Search Of House
Sunday August 05, 2007
Police investigating the disappearance of Madeleine McCann in Portugal have ended a two-day search at the home of the only official suspect in the case.
Around a dozen police officers, including two from Britain, have been searching land surrounding the villa of Robert Murat since Saturday.
A Portuguese police spokesman said: "Searches have ended."
He declined to comment on whether police were closer to finding Madeleine, who disappeared from her bed in the holiday resort while her parents dined nearby.
Murat remained in the house during the searches with his lawyer, which is just yards from where Madeleine was snatched more than three months ago.
The development came as Madeleine's mother, Kate McCann, spoke for the first time about the night her daughter disappeared.
"We are just so desperately sorry," she said. "Every hour now, I still question, 'Why did I think that was safe?'
"If I had had to think for one second, 'Should we have dinner and leave them?', I wouldn't have done it.
"It didn't happen like that. I didn't have to think for a second, that's how safe I felt."
She revealed that as she tucked Madeleine into bed that night, the little girl told her she had had "the best day ever".
Asked what message she would send to her daughter, Mrs McCann said: "I would tell her that we love her.
"She knows we are looking for her, that we are doing absolutely everything and we will never give up." »