O jornal português «Tal e Qual» afirmou que os pais de Madeleine McCann a terão matado com sedativos. Segundo este jornal esta notícia seria a convicção dos investigadores portugueses da Polícia Judiciária. Na perspectiva do jornal «Tal e Qual» os pais de Madeleine, ambos médicos, teriam matado a filha, acidentalmente, através de uma dose excessiva de sedativos, e depois teriam feito desaparecer o, eventual, cadáver.
Perante esta grave acusação, Gerry e Kate McCann, recorreram aos serviços de um advogado português, de Lisboa, Carlos Pinto de Abreu, para se defenderem de tão grave acusação.
O casal McCann da defensiva passa à ofensiva.
Esta informação foi divulgada pela «Sky News».
« 'Beyond The Limits Of Decency'
Friday August 31, 2007
Kate and Gerry McCann's lawyer has attacked sections of the media for levelling 'inhumane' slurs against the couple.
Carlos Pinto de Abreu spoke after the pair confirmed they are suing a Portuguese newspaper which claimed they killed Madeleine.
The statement said: "To be deprived of a daughter and to not know what has happened to her, or where and in what condition she might be, to not know if she might be suffering or if she is being hurt is probably the most terrible trial that could happen to anyone.
"Obviously, this is not something that often happens, but it did happen to Kate Healy and Gerry McCann.
"In addition to the police investigations already underway, institutions in particular and society in general should, not only raise their voices against kidnappings and disappearances, but should also show solidarity with the victims and their families.
"The press has engaged in a horrific exercise in scandal mongering, replete with rumours and lurid commentaries which are all aimed at one thing: to sell more TV time and newspaper space to advertisers.
"Fortunately so far only a few character assassinating, tabloid-style outlets have gone beyond the limits of decency. Enough!
"It is people's dignity which is being questioned, and it is their image which is being dragged through the dirt.
"What has been happening is not legitimate and, above all, is inhumane."
The report which prompted the libel action was published in Tal & Qual, which published a headline saying "The police believe the parents killed Maddie".
It reported that the Policia Judiciaria thought the couple caused the four-year-old's death, either in an accident or with a fatal dose of a drug.
Police insist they are not suspects.
Madeleine vanished from the family's holiday apartment in Portugal on May 3. »
(In «Sky News» o.l.)