O interesse por este caso mantem-se na Internet.

Entre os media tradicionais há uma guerra entre grande parte dos media tradicionais britânicos e portugueses.
Os britânicos defendem a hipótese de rapto e de que Madeleiene está viva. É, sem dúvida, a hipótese melhor e foi a que defendemos aqui, desde o início. Aina não se provou o contrário.
Muitos media portugueses defendem a hipótese de que Madeleine foi assassinada no dia em que desapareceu, eventualmente, por um brtânico do círculo social da família McCann. Esta é uma hipótese, particularmente, sinistra. Também não há provas desta hipótese. Até, em Portugal, se defende a ideia de que o governo britânico estaria mais interessado na hipótese de rapto do que em descobrir, objectivamente, a verdade.
Ora o conhecidíssimo caso das Armas de Destruição Maciça colocou do mesmo lado os media tradicionais portugueses e a maior parte dos britânicos. E os portugueses foram atrás dos britânicos. Em Portugal, os media tradicionais alinham todos pelo lado do neoliberlismo, em termos de direcção É o pensamento único. Aparecem nesses media tradicionais artigos de opinião, que mostram diversidade de opinião. Mas mesmo aqui esses media tradicionais acham perigosas opiniões dissonantes, regularmente expressas, como foi o caso do «Diário de Notícias» que despediu as opiniões do PCP e do Bloco de Esquerda (exprimidas a título individual, em dia certo, uma vez por semana, por um jornalista que é dirigente do PCP, e noutro dia por uma dirigente do BE). É que o neoliberalismo é apresentado como científco quando, na realidade o neolibralismo é uma nova religião, baseia-se em dogmas esta nova religião da desigualdade. Dizer que o neoliberalismo é injusto, que produz sociedades altamente injustas, não é conveniente.
No Reino Unido há, também, orientação de Esquerda ao mível da direcção, aqui não há o pensamento único.
Ora, este caso será explicado esta semana? Esperemos que sim.
Este é o texto mais procurado no jornal britânico «The Sun» sobre o desaparecimento de Madeleine McCann, entre os que foram escritos neste mês de Agosto:
« Burglars struck at Maddie resort
August 21, 2007
THE holiday resort Madeleine McCann vanished from was the target of burglars weeks before her disappearance, a British holidaymaker has claimed.
Ian Robertson, from Neyland in Pembrokeshire, South Wales, experienced a break-in at his apartment, which is just 100m from the McCanns’ flat and identical in layout, in February.
The patio doors and a lounge window were left open but police discovered no signs of forced entry, suggesting that the burglars may have had access to a key.
Mr Robertson later discovered that at least three other Ocean Club residents had also suffered burglaries, including two in ground-floor apartments like the one where the McCanns were staying.
He said: “I have a feeling there has been a lot of this type of opportunistic burglary. I think they have been getting away with it for a long time.”
Asked about the possibility that Madeleine was abducted by burglars, Mr Robertson said: “It wouldn’t surprise me because it’s so wide open, so unprotected - could there have been an order to snatch a child?”
There are rumours locally that Romanian drug addicts are involved in the burglaries, he said, although this has not been confirmed.
After Madeleine vanished, Mr Robertson spoke to a British detective seconded to help Portuguese police, but he has not been interviewed since.
He said: “I would really like to know how many reported break-ins there have been in that complex in the last 12 months.”
Portuguese detectives investigating Madeleine McCann’s disappearance have a positive feeling” about the inquiry as they await key DNA test results, a senior officer said today.
The picture of what happened to the four-year-old on the night she vanished from the Algarve resort of Praia da Luz is becoming clearer, Chief Inspector Olegario Sousa indicated.
But officers are waiting to hear from a British forensic laboratory analysing blood specks found in the McCanns’ holiday flat before making their next moves.
Police will step up the hunt for the young girl this week by launching fresh searches, according to unconfirmed reports.
Mr Sousa, spokesman for Portugal’s investigative Policia Judiciaria (PJ), said today: “We have already said that all the lines are still open.
“Even our director (PJ head Alipio Ribeiro) said that we haven’t enough information to make the picture of what happened that night.
“But we are with a positive feeling on this.”
It is now 110 days since Madeleine, from Rothley, Leicestershire, was snatched from her bed in her family’s apartment as her parents, Kate and Gerry, dined nearby with friends.
In recent weeks the focus of the police investigation has shifted away from Anglo-Portuguese ex-patriate Robert Murat, 33, still the only official suspect in the case.
On August 11 - exactly 100 days after Madeleine went missing - Portuguese police acknowledged for the first time that she could be dead.
British detectives and sniffer dogs sent to Portugal to help with the inquiry discovered the blood stains in the McCanns’ flat three weeks ago.
Meanwhile donations to the fund set up by the McCanns to help find Madeleine have now topped £1million.
In his latest blog entry on the official campaign website,, Mr McCann wrote: “We would like to thank everyone who has donated to the fund and we will ensure that no stone is left unturned in the search for Madeleine.
“The establishment of the fund, which was created in response to so many people offering financial assistance, lifted a huge weight off our shoulders.
Meanwhile the brother of executed hostage Ken Bigley has held an emotional meeting with missing Madeleine McCann’s dad. »
« Phil Bigley tried to comfort Gerry McCann during a lengthy talk about the nightmare of having a relative abducted.
Gerry, 39, said later: “It was good to talk about our emotions — the pressures and different coping strategies we use in an ongoing trauma — with someone who’s experienced a tragic event like ours.”
Engineer Ken, 62 — Phil’s older brother — was kidnapped and beheaded by al-Qaeda operatives while working in Iraq.
Footage of the slaying in 2004 was posted on the internet and shocked the world.
Phil, 52 — who like Maddie’s mum Kate, 39, is from Liverpool — approached the McCanns while on holiday and met Gerry in Praia da Luz on Saturday.
A source close to Phil said: “He feels for the McCanns. He knows talking helps. It was an emotional meeting.”
A McCann family source said: “Gerry felt he could talk openly to Phil. He found it comforting.”
Meanwhile, reports in Portugal say the police search for Maddie, four, is at a critical stage. »