A «Sky News» afirma que Gerry e kate McCann, os pais de Madeleine, vão ser ouvidos pela polícia de investigação criminal portuguesa designada por Polícia Judiciária (PJ), separadamente.
Ora esta notícia em si significa:
1) Que Madeleine McCann está morta.
2) Que Gerry McCann pode ser suspeito de envolvimento na morte da sua filha, e no desparecimento do cadáver.
3) Que Kate McCann pode ser suspeita de envolvimento na morte da sua filha, e no desaparecimento do cadáver.
Em Portugal, diz-se que há odor a cadáver nas roupas de Kate McCann.
Seja o que for, algo de muito grave se passou.
Tudo isto é altamente surpreendente, e coloca questões complicadíssimas sobre a condição humana, na União Europeia do século XXI.
« McCanns To Be Quizzed Separately
Updated: 12:15, Thursday September 06, 2007
Madeleine McCann's parents will be separately re-interviewed by Portuguese police investigating her disappearance.
Detectives are to question Kate McCann this afternoon and Gerry McCann tomorrow, a family friend said.
Mrs McCann will attend the police station in Portimao in the Algarve at 2pm, accompanied by her lawyer, Carlos Pinto de Abreu.
Her husband will be questioned separately at the same police station tomorrow.
Sky News Crime Correspondent Martin Brunt said police wanted to re-interview the McCanns as witnesses.
But he added: "According to the McCann family it appears to be more formal."
The development comes after officers leading the investigation were given DNA test results.
Sky News has learned vital clues from the results are expected to lead to a significant development.
Experts at the Forensic Science Service (FSS) in Birmingham have spent the past month analysing samples taken from the McCanns' holiday apartment in the Algarve resort of Praia da Luz.
The evidence recovered includes blood flecks found by British sniffer dogs on the wall in Madeleine's bedroom, where she vanished on May 3.
A source has confirmed that information gathered by the FSS had been "regularly fed back" to investigators in Portugal, although the official line remains that tests are "ongoing".
An FSS spokeswoman would not comment on the specifics of the case, but said: "There has been a lot of speculation. The tests are ongoing.
"There has been no change in that, despite what the reports say. It's a live investigation and we are working with the police."
The McCanns spokesperson said: "The Portuguese police have not phoned Kate and Gerry, and have not told them about the test results.
"We will await official confirmation as we do for any story."
It is understood the news was "unexpected" for the couple, although they have been awaiting the test results for many weeks.
The only official suspect in the case, 33-year-old ex-pat Robert Murat, believes the Portuguese authorities will shortly clear him formally.
His spokesman Tuck Price said he had not been told about any developments in the case.
"Why are they holding him in limbo?" he added. "That is still a concern - unless they are using him as cover so that they can continue investigating somebody else...
"It's still very frustrating - it's been five weeks since they went back in there again (to search Mr Murat's house for a second time), and we thought this would all be sewn up." »
(In «Sky News» o.l.)