Este caso continua a interessar as pessoas que ligam para este site, pensamos que, essencialmente, devido ao mistério e ao «suspense» a ele associados.

Corre na Inglaterra a ideia de que Madeleine McCann foi morta, e que o seu corpo foi lançado ao mar.
Este aspecto é divulgado, nomeadamente, pelo jornal «The Sun»:

« Cops: Maddie 'dumped in sea'
in Praia da Luz
September 15, 2007
MADELEINE McCann’s body was dumped at sea and no trace will ever be found, Portuguese cops feared last night.
They now think she may have been put into a weighted sack and hurled from a British-owned yacht.
The case against Maddie’s parents was crumbling after the theory emerged — for prosecutors have confided that without a body there will not be enough evidence to charge them.
The twist came as increasingly desperate cops, under growing pressure to unravel the 134-day mystery, made plans to re-question holiday pals of parents Kate and Gerry McCann.
The sea theory is one of the few police have left after four months of exhaustive land searches turned up nothing. Ocean specialists gauged where a body dumped off a beach would have been washed back ashore by tides.
A body weighed down with stones and dumped in deep water from a boat several miles out, however, would simply disappear.
Most of the yachts in Lagos Marina, one of the most exclusive on the Algarve, are British-owned.
Meanwhile a friend of the McCanns told how the couple feel Portuguese cops are “playing a game with them”. She said: “They are very frustrated — they really do not know what is going on.
“Gerry and Kate feel police in Portugal have forgotten about their daughter. The investigation has become political and they feel the police are playing a game with them. They just want them to concentrate on finding Maddie.” »
(In «The Sun»)