O facto de parecer que os media tradicionais portugueses estarão a procurar a verdade no caso Madeleine McCann, não os iliba do facto de serem do pior que há no Mundo, propagandistas do Pensamento Único, mais concretamente do pensamento neoliberal.
Em Portugal os media tradicionais defendem o aparelho conceptual do neoliberalismo, quando não também do neoconservadorismo.
O caso do livro «Equador» mostra como as Censuras Privadas passaram a ideia de que esse livro do jornalista, escritor de ficção e crítico Miguel Sousa Tavares não é copiado. Até achamos boa a ideia dele ter copiado algumas partes do livro, valoriza o conceito Copianço. O que não parece certo é dizer que copiar não é copiar, mas é «intertextualidade».
Neste momento no canal do governo, do governo que estiver no poder, no programa prós e prós chamado falsamente prós e contras porque os verdadeiros contras são vetados pelo governo que estiver no poder, estão a falar do caso Madeleine McCann.
A RTP, tal como os outros media tradicionais portugueses, partem do princípio de que se dirigem a pessoas sem espírito crítico, ignorantes, ou conhecedores de ‘palha’, ou também catedráticos em ‘palha’.
Na Inglaterra não há o Pensamento Único nos media.
Estas monstruosas fotografias da Tortura da Fome num Campo de Concentração inglês na Alemanha após a II Guerra Mundial, da chamada Tortura em Nome da Democracia, foram divulgadas por um jornal inglês, porque são verdadeiras:
A «Sky News» diz que foi encontrado na carrinha Renault, alugada pelo casal McCann, sangue com o ADN de Madeleine McCann. Ora esta carrinha Renault foi alugada cerca de três semanas depois do desaparecimento de Madeleine.
O «Daily Telegraph» diz que a Segurança Social britânica vai avaliar a capacidade do casal McCann para ter os seus filhos gémeos.
A seguir estão textos da «Sky News» e do «Daily Telegraph» :
« 'Police Match Madeleine DNA To Hire Car'
Updated: 20:26, Monday September 10, 2007
Portuguese police say they have found firm DNA evidence that the body of Madeleine McCann was in the boot of the family's hire car five weeks after she went missing, sources have told Sky News.
Sky crime correspondent Martin Brunt, speaking from Portimao, said police were "adamant" they had found the most "damning" evidence yet implicating either one or both of the McCanns in their daughter's death.
The evidence came in blood samples returned from the Forensic Science Service in Birmingham.
"Police say it is the most damning evidence that has been returned by the tests," Brunt said.
"It shows, as far as they are concerned, the presence of Madeleine's body in the car five weeks after she disappeared."
He continued: "The evidence suggests very strongly that it was not that her DNA had been transferred from clothing or from a cuddly toy.
"The allegation is that the DNA shows a full match of 99%. According to police, it shows the presence of Madeleine's body in the boot of the family's hire car five weeks after she disappeared."
He said the sample of blood sent to the Forensic Science Service in Birmingham carried three matches of Madeleine's DNA.
Two were partial matches that came from the car and the windowsill of the family's holiday apartment.
The third was the full match from the boot of the car.
Meanwhile, papers outlining any evidence against Gerry and Kate McCann will be passed to the Public Prosecutor in Portugal, probably on Tuesday.
With the couple back in their home in Rothley, Leicestershire, the prosecutor will consider whether to lay any charges.
He will be considering the circumstances surrounding Madeleine's disappearance on May 3, Portuguese police spokesman Olegario Sousa added.
Brunt said the prosecutor had a number of options and may call for more evidence or advise on the investigation.
Family spokesman Brian Kennedy, who is Madeleine's great uncle, said of the family: "They are holding up extremely well."
The Portimao-based prosecutor, Jose Cunha de Magalhaes e Meneses, will look at the DNA evidence as well as the statements given by the McCanns to see if there is a case against the couple.
Chief Inspector Sousa said Portuguese police decided to pass the file on to the prosecutor despite not having all the results from forensic tests being carried out in Birmingham.
The samples were taken from the McCanns' holiday apartment and hire car.
The McCanns have been told they could be called back to Portugal "at any time".
Under Portuguese law the couple could keep their arguido - suspect - status for up to eight months, although the prosecutor could decide to extend that to a year.
Portuguese detectives appear to be working on the theory that Mrs McCann killed her daughter by accident and covered up the death by claiming she was abducted.
According to reports in Portugal, police are to make new searches as part of the investigation. »
(In «Sky News» o.l.)
« McCann twins may go into care
By Gordon Rayner, Nick Britten and Caroline Gammell
Last Updated: 9:31pm BST 10/09/2007
Kate and Gerry McCann’s two-year-old twins could be placed on an “at risk” register or taken into care after social workers and police held a lengthy meeting to discuss the family’s future.
• In pictures: The McCanns' journey home
• Video: Gerry McCann's statement at airport
• Have your say: Should McCanns return home? | McCanns get hate mail
Officers from Leicestershire’s child protection team are expected to visit the McCanns within days to assess whether toddlers Sean and Amelie are being cared for properly and whether they have been in any way traumatised by the events of the past four months.
Child welfare experts said social services were obliged to investigate any case where parents were suspected by police of harming their children either at home or abroad, and that placing the twins in foster care could become an option if the McCanns were charged or forced to return to Portugal for lengthy periods.
Kate McCann is said to be “terrified” that she will end up losing all three of her children following the disappearance of the couple’s four-year-old daughter Madeleine from an Algarve holiday resort 131 days ago. The couple were both named last week as official suspects over the disappearance of Madeleine by Portuguese detectives.
On a day of further dramatic developments in the case:
• Portuguese police announced their intention to hand over a dossier on the case to the country’s public prosecutor tomorrow, which could result in charges by the end of the week.
• The McCanns were given police advice on how to deal with hate mail after a growing backlash against them gathered pace in the UK.
• Police in Praia da Luz were preparing to search the holiday villa where the McCanns had been staying until Sunday.
• Kate McCann faced fresh slurs in the Portuguese media, with claims that she was aggressive towards her children and sometimes “out of control”.
• It was reported that “biological fluids” with an 80 per cent match to Madeleine’s were found underneath the carpet in the boot of the family’s hire car.
The McCanns have vowed to fight to clear their names, and hired two of the country’s leading solicitors, Michael Caplan QC and Angus McBride, to advise them on how to proceed with defending themselves against allegations that they “accidentally” killed Madeleine and then hid her body.
• Your View: Has this put you off visiting Portugal?
• Full coverage: The search for Madeleine McCann
But before they can concentrate on rebutting the accusations made in Portugal, they are likely to take legal advice on how to respond to the investigation by Leicestershire’s child protection team.
Social workers, lawyers and police spent most of the day in a meeting discussing the welfare of the McCann twins, and are expected to visit the family home in the village of Rothley within the week.
Although the council refused to discuss what was said at the meeting, the social services department had said last month that it was “aware of the traumatic ordeal experienced by the McCann family and take our child protection responsibilities very seriously”. »
(In «Daily Telegraph»)