Tempos conturbados estes em que a condição humana provoca perplexidades.
Basta consultar o arquivo deste blog para se verificar, que desde o princípio acreditámos na hipótese de rapto para adopção ilegal. Bem gostaríamos de continuar a poder acreditar, só que já não conseguimos.

Agora está em causa o diário de Kate McCann. O jornal inglês «The Guardian», um jornal de referência da Esquerda europeia e mundial dá bastante importância às palavras escritas por Kate McCann:
« Madeleine prosecutors seek diaries and toys, reports say
David Batty, James Sturcke and agencies
Wednesday September 12, 2007
Guardian Unlimited
Public prosecutors today moved to formally seize diaries and correspondence belonging to the parents of Madeleine McCann, according to a Portuguese newspaper.
The news came as authorities continued to assess whether there is sufficient evidence to charge the couple.
Jornal de Noticias reported that the documents were already in the hands of the authorities, but the judge must ensure that the investigation "respects the rights, freedoms and guarantees" of Kate and Gerry McCann, who were officially made suspects in their daughter's disappearance last week.
The judge must weigh up whether releasing the documents to public prosecutors would amount to "abusive interference" in the McCanns' lives, the report said.
The newspaper did not specify to whom the diaries belong, but Mrs McCann has been seen writing in a diary since four-year-old Madeleine disappeared on May 3, while her husband has maintained a blog.
Another paper reported that Portuguese police intend to seize some of Madeleine's toys for analysis. Diario de Noticias said they included Cuddle Cat, the stuffed toy Mrs McCann has carried frequently in public since her daughter went missing.
The Portuguese prime minister, Jose Socrates, has praised investigators amid criticism in the British media of the police handling of the case.
Mr Socrates said he had "total confidence in the work carried out by the Portuguese police".
Madeleine vanished from a holiday apartment in the resort of Praia da Luz, in the Algarve, more than four months ago.
"The police has given the best it has to finding out what happened to the little girl," Mr Socrates told the Spanish newspaper El País, adding that it was the duty of politicians not to stir up melodrama.
Portuguese police have faced criticism for their seemingly slow reaction to Madeleine's disappearance, their alleged poor handling of the apartment as a crime scene and the decision to allow the McCanns to continue using a hire car that is apparently central to the case.
A spokesman for the McCanns today said it was likely that they would arrange their own forensic tests on the car, which they hired 25 days after their daughter went missing.
There has been an intense focus on what police found in the hire car. Detectives have denied reports that forensic tests on a sample taken from the vehicle, a silver Renault Scenic, revealed a "100% match" with Madeleine's DNA.
Chief Inspector Olegario Sousa, who is in charge of the investigation, said: "That's not true. Even specialists have said there is no 100% in anything."
However, senior sources linked to the investigation told Portuguese journalists that they discovered "bodily fluids" - not blood - in the car's boot that provided an 88% match to Madeleine's genetic profile.
There have also been reports that a substantial amount of Madeleine's hair was found in the boot, but neither report has been confirmed by the authorities.
Widespread speculation has centred on the contents of the lengthy dossier of evidence the Policia Judiciaria, Portugal's CID, formally passed to the prosecutor yesterday.
Detectives appear to be working on the theory that Mrs McCann killed her daughter by accident and covered up the death by claiming she was abducted.
Portuguese newspapers have suggested she could face charges of homicide by negligence and concealing Madeleine's corpse.
What they consider Gerry McCann's alleged role to have been is not clear, but sources said police believed he might have been an accessory.
The McCanns were declared "arguidos", or formal suspects, during police questioning in Portimao on Friday.
Under Portuguese law, they are required to give police their address and notify officers if they are away from home for more than five days. With permission, they returned home to Rothley, Leicestershire, with their two-year-old twins, Sean and Amelie, on Sunday.
The McCanns announced today that they would not use money from the Find Madeleine fund to pay for their legal defence. Earlier this week, the directors of the fund said they were aware donors may have given money thinking only of the search for Madeleine.
The couple appointed lawyers in both Portugal and Britain after being named as formal suspects. »
(In «The Guardian»)
Basta consultar o arquivo deste blog para se verificar, que desde o princípio acreditámos na hipótese de rapto para adopção ilegal. Bem gostaríamos de continuar a poder acreditar, só que já não conseguimos.

Agora está em causa o diário de Kate McCann. O jornal inglês «The Guardian», um jornal de referência da Esquerda europeia e mundial dá bastante importância às palavras escritas por Kate McCann:
« Madeleine prosecutors seek diaries and toys, reports say
David Batty, James Sturcke and agencies
Wednesday September 12, 2007
Guardian Unlimited
Public prosecutors today moved to formally seize diaries and correspondence belonging to the parents of Madeleine McCann, according to a Portuguese newspaper.
The news came as authorities continued to assess whether there is sufficient evidence to charge the couple.
Jornal de Noticias reported that the documents were already in the hands of the authorities, but the judge must ensure that the investigation "respects the rights, freedoms and guarantees" of Kate and Gerry McCann, who were officially made suspects in their daughter's disappearance last week.
The judge must weigh up whether releasing the documents to public prosecutors would amount to "abusive interference" in the McCanns' lives, the report said.
The newspaper did not specify to whom the diaries belong, but Mrs McCann has been seen writing in a diary since four-year-old Madeleine disappeared on May 3, while her husband has maintained a blog.
Another paper reported that Portuguese police intend to seize some of Madeleine's toys for analysis. Diario de Noticias said they included Cuddle Cat, the stuffed toy Mrs McCann has carried frequently in public since her daughter went missing.
The Portuguese prime minister, Jose Socrates, has praised investigators amid criticism in the British media of the police handling of the case.
Mr Socrates said he had "total confidence in the work carried out by the Portuguese police".
Madeleine vanished from a holiday apartment in the resort of Praia da Luz, in the Algarve, more than four months ago.
"The police has given the best it has to finding out what happened to the little girl," Mr Socrates told the Spanish newspaper El País, adding that it was the duty of politicians not to stir up melodrama.
Portuguese police have faced criticism for their seemingly slow reaction to Madeleine's disappearance, their alleged poor handling of the apartment as a crime scene and the decision to allow the McCanns to continue using a hire car that is apparently central to the case.
A spokesman for the McCanns today said it was likely that they would arrange their own forensic tests on the car, which they hired 25 days after their daughter went missing.
There has been an intense focus on what police found in the hire car. Detectives have denied reports that forensic tests on a sample taken from the vehicle, a silver Renault Scenic, revealed a "100% match" with Madeleine's DNA.
Chief Inspector Olegario Sousa, who is in charge of the investigation, said: "That's not true. Even specialists have said there is no 100% in anything."
However, senior sources linked to the investigation told Portuguese journalists that they discovered "bodily fluids" - not blood - in the car's boot that provided an 88% match to Madeleine's genetic profile.
There have also been reports that a substantial amount of Madeleine's hair was found in the boot, but neither report has been confirmed by the authorities.
Widespread speculation has centred on the contents of the lengthy dossier of evidence the Policia Judiciaria, Portugal's CID, formally passed to the prosecutor yesterday.
Detectives appear to be working on the theory that Mrs McCann killed her daughter by accident and covered up the death by claiming she was abducted.
Portuguese newspapers have suggested she could face charges of homicide by negligence and concealing Madeleine's corpse.
What they consider Gerry McCann's alleged role to have been is not clear, but sources said police believed he might have been an accessory.
The McCanns were declared "arguidos", or formal suspects, during police questioning in Portimao on Friday.
Under Portuguese law, they are required to give police their address and notify officers if they are away from home for more than five days. With permission, they returned home to Rothley, Leicestershire, with their two-year-old twins, Sean and Amelie, on Sunday.
The McCanns announced today that they would not use money from the Find Madeleine fund to pay for their legal defence. Earlier this week, the directors of the fund said they were aware donors may have given money thinking only of the search for Madeleine.
The couple appointed lawyers in both Portugal and Britain after being named as formal suspects. »
(In «The Guardian»)