Manifesto Aplicado do Neo-Surrealismo Céu Cinzento O Abominável Livro das Neves

Anti-Direita Portuguesa



domingo, outubro 22, 2006


    Esta fotografia sintetiza o tipo de «libertação» que os neoconservadores norte-americanos associados a Blair e a muitos mais concretizaram no Iraque.
    A Barbárie em nome da Democracia que se abateu sobre os iraquianos, parecia impensável durante a presidência de Clinton.
    Os neoconservadores que tanto falaram em armas químicas usaram-nas contra os iraquianos nomeadamente o fósforo branco, que depois forneceram aos israelitas que as usaram no Líbano, conforme se pode ler na Al Jazeera.

    «Israel admits phosphorous shell use

    Sunday 22 October 2006, 18:02 Makka Time, 15:02 GMT
    Israel has admitted for the first time to using white phosphorus shells against military targets in southern Lebanon, an Israeli newspaper has reported.
    Israel's Haaretz daily newspaper quoted Yakov Edery, the minister for government-paramilitary relations, as saying that the Israeli army used phosphorus shells "in attacks against military targets in open ground".

    A spokeswoman for Edery confirmed the report to AFP news agency, saying that Edery was reading the army's response to a query from another Israeli politician.

    "This is not his personal opinion, this is what the military told us," said Orly Yechzeken.
    Edery said in his statement that the army maintains that phosphorus shells are a legitimate weapon and not forbidden by international law.

    "The IDF used this type of munitions according to the rules of international law," Edery is quoted as saying by Haaretz news agency.

    Previous claims

    White phosphorus munitions can cause severe burns and agonising deaths for its victims, leading to demands from many human rights organisations to classify it as a chemical weapon.

    The International Red Cross and other human rights groups have long argued that phosphorus weapons should be banned under the chemical weapons convention.

    Several media outlets during the recent conflict in Lebanon alleged that civilians had been seen with injuries consistent with contact with white phosphorous.

    Emile Lahoud, the Lebanese president, also claimed that the IDF made use of phosphorus munitions against civilians in Lebanon.

    Last year officials from the Pentagon acknowledged that US troops had used white phosphorous as a weapon during the battle for Falluja in November 2004, but denied it had been used on civilians.»

    Os invasores do Iraque já provocaram mais de 645 mil mortos. Esta Barbárie colonial gera uma resistência nacional dos iraquianos, que só terminará depois da independência do Iraque.
    A coligação de ocupantes coloniais do Iraque despreza de tal maneira a condição humana, que a resistência iraquiana ainda vai sofrer muito antes da independência do país.
    Boa ideia é quem gravou os noticiários das televisões portuguesas antes da invasão do Iraque e no início da mesma rever essa informação mentirosa que massacrou os portugueses.
    E depois a adesão de grande parte da classe política da União Europeia e da NATO
    à rede de Rapto, Tortura e Assassinato Guantánamo e Sucursais.
    O Ocidente está irreconhecível!!!