Madeleine McCann está de novo em grande destaque.
O que lhe aconteceu?
Apesar de voltarem as hipóteses optimistas, as teses macabras para a explicação do seu desaparecimento parecem ser as mais consistentes.
« McCanns Give Emotional TV Interview
Updated: 22:22, Wednesday October 24, 2007
Kate McCann has broken down in tears during her first interview since being named a suspect in her daughter Madeleine's disappearance.
The missing girl's parents told Spanish TV they were innocent of any wrongdoing and said they were certain they would be eliminated from the police inquiry.
Kate and Gerry McCann talked about their personal and legal situation and hit back at claims made by newspapers in Portugal and Britain.
They also spoke of the heartache of being separated from their daughter for nearly six months - but added they were sure she was still alive and would one day return home.
"I feel very lonely, and our lives are obviously not as happy without Madeleine," Mrs McCann said.
"I just feel anxious that she's out there and she's not with us."
She said their other two children, twins Sean and Amelie, kept asking when Madeleine would come home, although they were not "upset or distressed".
Mr McCann also said they were not worried about the outcome of DNA tests taken in Portugal that some newspapers have reported would incriminate them.
"There's nothing in those DNA tests that will show we're anything other than completely innocent," he said.
"We'll be eliminated (from the inquiry), because we've done nothing."
When asked whether the couple sedated their children - a question which Kate McCann refused point-blank to answer - Mr McCann firmly dismissed the accusation as "ludicrous".
Clarence Mitchell, spokesperson for the family, has told Sky News that investigators advised them to do the interview as a way of raising awareness of a new hotline set up for people to call with information about Madeleine's disappearance.
He agreed that the interview had been a difficult one for Mrs McCann.
"She is strong throughout most of the interview - it's only towards the end that she becomes visibly upset," he said.
"She is a mother who had lost her child, let's not forget that.
"Kate and Gerry have gone through their own personal heartache and grief. They've just chosen for various good reasons not to show it in public." »
(In «Sky News» o.l.)