Apesar de merecer um estudo exaustivo, nomeadamente nos terrenos, a pente fino, a pista da carta para o jornal holandês «De Telegraaf» pode, perfeitamente, ser totalmente falsa.
Na Inglaterra, há reservas sobre este antecipado desfecho trágico do rapto de Madeleine McCann. O jornal «The Guardian» exprime essas reservas, explicitando a posição do pai e da mãe de Madeleine, que condenam a divulgação, precipitada, da carta com os conteúdos trágicos para este caso.
Ora a questão é esta: Madeleine McCann pode estar viva, e de relativamente boa saúde, e a carta pode ser apenas contra-informação.
« Madeleine's parents condemn publication of letter
Haroon Siddique and agencies
Thursday June 14, 2007
Guardian Unlimited
The parents of Madeleine McCann today criticised a Dutch newspaper for publishing unverified claims that their daughter's body is buried close to where she was abducted.
Portuguese police have been investigating a site north-east of Praia da Luz - the resort from which Madeleine vanished - after De Telegraaf said it had received an anonymous letter claiming to know the location of the four-year-old's body.
Dutch police said the tip-off was being taken seriously because it was similar to information sent to De Telegraaf last year giving the approximate location of the bodies of two missing Belgian girls.
However, writing on his blog on the Find Madeleine website, her father, Gavin McCann, said: "Although all information will be taken seriously, we were very upset that the credibility of this letter had not been examined and, more importantly, [that it was] published before the Portuguese police had an opportunity to investigate the claim and search the area, if appropriate, without massive media attention.
"We feel strongly that this was an irresponsible piece of journalism and, even if it were true, is insensitive and cruel. One can imagine how upsetting it is for Kate and I to hear of such claims."
Police visited a remote area north of the village of Odiaxere, around nine miles from Praia da Luz, on Tuesday - but there has so far been no sign of a formal search.
Olegario Sousa, a police spokesman, said officers were taking the claim seriously but added that it was only one of a number of leads in the search for Madeleine, who vanished six weeks ago.
Last year, a letter was sent to De Telegraaf after seven-year-old Stacey Lemmens and her stepsister Nathalie Mahy, 10, disappeared while playing outside in Liege on June 10.
Their bodies were found near a railway line on June 28, the same day the newspaper received the letter from an unknown source.
"With the tip about the Belgian disappearance in the back of our minds, this letter grabbed our attention," Rob Van der Veen, a Dutch police spokesman, said.
"The writer of that letter had closely pinpointed the area where the girls' bodies were eventually found. We are therefore not ruling out the fact that this letter regarding Madeleine could be very important."
He said the letter received by the Dutch newspaper this week was " slightly less professional than the one regarding the Belgian children", but was being looked at "seriously". »
(In «The Guardian» de 14 de Junho de 2007)

Ora, temos de admitir que Madeleine McCann pode estar viva. Uma só pessoa, com um único olhar pode resolver este caso de modo positivo, isto é, devolvendo a liberdade à vida de Madeleine McCann.