Manifesto Aplicado do Neo-Surrealismo Céu Cinzento O Abominável Livro das Neves

Anti-Direita Portuguesa



quarta-feira, junho 13, 2007


    Embora possa não ter nenhum fundamento, a hipótese colocada na Holanda do, eventual, assassinato de Madeleine McCann, a imprensa inglesa dá grande importância a essa hipótese.

    Um exemplo de que este triste desfecho possa ter, efectivamente, ocorrido é a notícia que se segue de «The Guardian», de hoje:

    « Letter claims Madeleine buried near resort

    Giles Tremlett, Kate Connolly and Sandra Laville, crime correspondent
    Wednesday June 13, 2007
    Guardian Unlimited

    Portuguese police are investigating a possible breakthrough in the Madeleine McCann inquiry after an anonymous letter was sent to a Dutch newspaper allegedly identifying where the girl's body had been buried.
    Dutch police said yesterday they were taking the contents of the letter "very seriously". It is understood the author states that the four-year-old lies buried under rocks in deserted scrubland in an area called Odiaxere, some nine miles from the Mark Warner resort in Praia da Luz, where Madeleine went missing.
    De Telegraaf, the Dutch newspaper that received the letter, reported that it had been sent a map on two A4-sized pages containing a cross and a question mark indicating the "probable finding place" of Madeleine.
    The results of forensic tests carried out on the letter and envelope were immediately despatched to the Portuguese detectives investigating the disappearance of the four-year-old British girl.
    Officers in Portugal are investigating the letter's claims and are poised to visit Odiaxere. Dutch police said part of the reason the letter was being taken so seriously was because it was similar to one sent to the same newspaper last June following the disappearance from the city of Liege, in Belgium, of two girls: Stacy Lemmens, seven, and Natalie Mahy, 10.
    In that case the author claimed to know where the girls had been buried. The children's bodies were found two weeks later in a storm drain near a railway crossing a short distance from the location identified in the letter.
    Abdallah Ait Oud, a convicted child rapist, was eventually arrested for the murders. The DNA of a third person was found on the bodies. There was evidence that Natalie had been raped.
    Sita Koenders, from the Dutch police headquarters in Amsterdam, said today De Telegraaf had received the letter on Monday and passed it straight to the police.
    "We carried out forensic investigations straight away and, as soon as the report from the forensic tests came in, we sent it to the Portuguese police. We are awaiting instructions from the Portuguese and will start an inquiry into finding the author if that is required," Mr Koenders said.
    "We are taking this very, very seriously. We have to."
    Chief Inspector Olegario Sousa from the Portuguese police said "everything necessary" was being done to validate the claim made in the letter.
    "There have been exchanges between Dutch police and us," he said. "The information indicated an area 15km from the place of the disappearance of the little child.
    "It is not far from Praia da Luz. We are checking the information, as we check everything in this case, for importance."
    Mr and Mrs McCann visited the Netherlands last week as part of a European search for their daughter, who was snatched from their apartment 41 days ago.
    The McCanns lived in Amsterdam for a year in 2004 when Madeleine was a baby and Mrs McCann was pregnant with twins Sean and Amelie.
    They have spoken fondly about their time there and the friends they made.
    Mr McCann, a cardiologist, was working on specialist MRI imaging of the heart. Their return to the city on June 7 to raise awareness about their daughter's abduction was the first time they had been back since leaving in December 2004.
    The couple, from Rothley in Leicestershire, have led a tireless campaign to find their daughter amid unprecedented media attention.
    They have been to Spain, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and Morocco to try to track her down.
    It is not the first time Portuguese police have searched an area following a tip off. It is understood their last search was carried out following contact with a psychic medium in America. »