1) As Guerras Israel – Palestina e Israel – Líbano, com o seu cortejo de TERROR, Horror e de DOR, estão a pôr em causa toda a Credibilidade do Ocidente.

2) Muitas Direitas apoiam a Barbárie dos Neoconservadores Israelitas, com uma Paixão, e com um Entusiasmo, que revelam um altíssimo grau de Selvajaria, por parte dessas pessoas, uma Barbárie muitíssimo primitiva.
3) A CAUSA DESTAS DUAS GUERRAS – É a recusa dos Neoconservadores Israelitas de aceitarem os Direitos dos Árabes-Palestinianos, que são tratados como animais.
4) Há quem classifique a Barbárie Israelita de «nazismo das raças inferiores».
5) Parece que os Neoconservadores Israelitas querem exterminar, não só os Palestinianos e os Libaneses, mas também TODOS OS MUÇULMANOS. Nesta lógica militarista, parece que querem ‘começar a bombardear a Indonésia, porque é o país muçulmano mais populoso’… ‘TEM MAIS GENTE MUÇULMANA PARA MATAR’…
6) Neste momento é claro quem é o agressor –
a) os Neoconservadores Israelitas ocupam militarmente, os territórios atribuídos Pela ONU aos Árabes-Palestinianos.
b) Os Neoconservadores Israelitas também ocupam militarmente o Líbano.
7) Nesta perspectiva, os libaneses que enfrentam os Neoconservadores Israelitas defendem o seu país de uma Invasão Militar Estrangeira.
8) Depois O TERROR, esse TERROR, através do qual os Israelitas querem «domesticar» os libaneses, chacinando Crianças, chacinando outros civis, destruindo o que lhes apetece, arrasam alvos civis, arrasam infra-estruturas civis. Este TERROR chama-se TERRORISMO, chama-se TERRORISMO DE ESTADO…
9) É este TERRORISMO DE ESTADO que os Neoconservadores chamam «legitimidade democrática»…
10) O TERRORISMO DE ESTADO dos Neoconservadores está também a assassinar a DEMOCRACIA…

«Terror plot: Pakistan and al-Qaida links revealed · Key suspect seized on Afghan border· Arrested men attended Islamic camps· Martyrdom tapes found during searches· Tip-off came from Muslim informer Richard Norton-Taylor, Sandra Laville and Vikram DoddSaturday August 12, 2006The Guardian Police officers outside the Masjid-E-Umer mosque in Walthamstow. Photograph: Toby Melville/Reuters
A brother of two of the 24 suspects seized by detectives investigating a plot to bomb up to 12 planes was seized in Pakistan shortly before police launched their raids, it emerged last night.
The arrest of Rashid Rauf in the border area with Afghanistan was a trigger that led investigators to start an immediate pre-emptive operation with officers fearing the alleged cells were ready to strike.
Pakistani officials claimed last night that Mr Rauf had links with al-Qaida. "We arrested him from the border area and on his disclosure we shared the information with British authorities, which led to further arrests in Britain," said the interior minister, Aftab Khan Sherpao.
The foreign minister, Khursheed Kasuri, said Mr Rauf had been monitored for some time before his arrest.
Mr Rauf's uncle was murdered in Birmingham in April 2002 and as part of the murder hunt it is understood that Mr Rauf's home in St Margaret's Road in the city was searched.
Mr Rauf's arrest was one of seven made by Pakistani authorities in recent days, and is understood to have included one other Briton. Mr Rauf's two brothers were arrested in Birmingham on Thursday. There were reports last night that Mr Rauf provided the link between the plot's planners and the British Muslims alleged to have been preparing to carry out the attacks.
It also emerged yesterday that at least one suspect arrested in Walthamstow, east London, regularly attended camps run by Tablighi Jamaat, an organisation which the Americans believe has been used as a recruiting ground for al-Qaida. Martyrdom tapes and other items were found in the search of the 29 properties where arrests were made on Thursday.
As it became clear that Pakistan played a pivotal role in the plot, and helped in its unmasking, British counter-terrorism officials said several of the Britons involved had visited the country two months ago, before returning to the UK.
British intelligence sources say the original tip-off about the alleged plot came more than a year ago from an informant in the UK. The informant is believed to have come from the Muslim community.
A combination of Mr Rauf's arrest, at least one intercepted message from Pakistan to Britain, and an alert from an informant here, led to Thursday's arrests, according to British security sources.
More details about the backgrounds of the 24 arrested suspects emerged yesterday. Three were Muslim converts. The youngest was 17 and the oldest 35. It is understood that the 19 names released by the Bank of England as subject to asset freezes are the core suspects.
Although some had visited Pakistan, a senior security official said: "The plot was constructed in the UK, targeted in the UK, based in the UK, and foiled in the UK".
But it is not clear when the attack was to take place. None of the alleged plotters had yet bought airline tickets, according to anti-terrorist sources.
Anti-terrorist detectives were last night granted warrants for the further detention of 22 of those arrested on Thursday. One was later released without charge.
It also emerged that police in Italy had arrested 40 people across the country in what the interior ministry called "part of an extraordinary operation that followed the British anti-terrorist operation".»
2) Muitas Direitas apoiam a Barbárie dos Neoconservadores Israelitas, com uma Paixão, e com um Entusiasmo, que revelam um altíssimo grau de Selvajaria, por parte dessas pessoas, uma Barbárie muitíssimo primitiva.
3) A CAUSA DESTAS DUAS GUERRAS – É a recusa dos Neoconservadores Israelitas de aceitarem os Direitos dos Árabes-Palestinianos, que são tratados como animais.
4) Há quem classifique a Barbárie Israelita de «nazismo das raças inferiores».
5) Parece que os Neoconservadores Israelitas querem exterminar, não só os Palestinianos e os Libaneses, mas também TODOS OS MUÇULMANOS. Nesta lógica militarista, parece que querem ‘começar a bombardear a Indonésia, porque é o país muçulmano mais populoso’… ‘TEM MAIS GENTE MUÇULMANA PARA MATAR’…
6) Neste momento é claro quem é o agressor –
a) os Neoconservadores Israelitas ocupam militarmente, os territórios atribuídos Pela ONU aos Árabes-Palestinianos.
b) Os Neoconservadores Israelitas também ocupam militarmente o Líbano.
7) Nesta perspectiva, os libaneses que enfrentam os Neoconservadores Israelitas defendem o seu país de uma Invasão Militar Estrangeira.
8) Depois O TERROR, esse TERROR, através do qual os Israelitas querem «domesticar» os libaneses, chacinando Crianças, chacinando outros civis, destruindo o que lhes apetece, arrasam alvos civis, arrasam infra-estruturas civis. Este TERROR chama-se TERRORISMO, chama-se TERRORISMO DE ESTADO…
9) É este TERRORISMO DE ESTADO que os Neoconservadores chamam «legitimidade democrática»…
10) O TERRORISMO DE ESTADO dos Neoconservadores está também a assassinar a DEMOCRACIA…

«Terror plot: Pakistan and al-Qaida links revealed · Key suspect seized on Afghan border· Arrested men attended Islamic camps· Martyrdom tapes found during searches· Tip-off came from Muslim informer Richard Norton-Taylor, Sandra Laville and Vikram DoddSaturday August 12, 2006The Guardian Police officers outside the Masjid-E-Umer mosque in Walthamstow. Photograph: Toby Melville/Reuters
A brother of two of the 24 suspects seized by detectives investigating a plot to bomb up to 12 planes was seized in Pakistan shortly before police launched their raids, it emerged last night.
The arrest of Rashid Rauf in the border area with Afghanistan was a trigger that led investigators to start an immediate pre-emptive operation with officers fearing the alleged cells were ready to strike.
Pakistani officials claimed last night that Mr Rauf had links with al-Qaida. "We arrested him from the border area and on his disclosure we shared the information with British authorities, which led to further arrests in Britain," said the interior minister, Aftab Khan Sherpao.
The foreign minister, Khursheed Kasuri, said Mr Rauf had been monitored for some time before his arrest.
Mr Rauf's uncle was murdered in Birmingham in April 2002 and as part of the murder hunt it is understood that Mr Rauf's home in St Margaret's Road in the city was searched.
Mr Rauf's arrest was one of seven made by Pakistani authorities in recent days, and is understood to have included one other Briton. Mr Rauf's two brothers were arrested in Birmingham on Thursday. There were reports last night that Mr Rauf provided the link between the plot's planners and the British Muslims alleged to have been preparing to carry out the attacks.
It also emerged yesterday that at least one suspect arrested in Walthamstow, east London, regularly attended camps run by Tablighi Jamaat, an organisation which the Americans believe has been used as a recruiting ground for al-Qaida. Martyrdom tapes and other items were found in the search of the 29 properties where arrests were made on Thursday.
As it became clear that Pakistan played a pivotal role in the plot, and helped in its unmasking, British counter-terrorism officials said several of the Britons involved had visited the country two months ago, before returning to the UK.
British intelligence sources say the original tip-off about the alleged plot came more than a year ago from an informant in the UK. The informant is believed to have come from the Muslim community.
A combination of Mr Rauf's arrest, at least one intercepted message from Pakistan to Britain, and an alert from an informant here, led to Thursday's arrests, according to British security sources.
More details about the backgrounds of the 24 arrested suspects emerged yesterday. Three were Muslim converts. The youngest was 17 and the oldest 35. It is understood that the 19 names released by the Bank of England as subject to asset freezes are the core suspects.
Although some had visited Pakistan, a senior security official said: "The plot was constructed in the UK, targeted in the UK, based in the UK, and foiled in the UK".
But it is not clear when the attack was to take place. None of the alleged plotters had yet bought airline tickets, according to anti-terrorist sources.
Anti-terrorist detectives were last night granted warrants for the further detention of 22 of those arrested on Thursday. One was later released without charge.
It also emerged that police in Italy had arrested 40 people across the country in what the interior ministry called "part of an extraordinary operation that followed the British anti-terrorist operation".»