Dantes pensava-se que cessar fogo significava cessar fogo. Mas, actualmente, para os israelitas cessar fogo significa fazer fogo, sempre que se justifique, isto é, de vez em quando, quer dizer sempre que apetecer aos israelitas fazer fogo, fazem fogo… sempre por uma boa causa… neste caso o «cessar fogo»…
As tropas da ONU que forem para o Líbano é bom que levem mísseis anti-tanque dos mais sofisticdos, e mísseis anti-aéreeos dos mais eficientes. Caso contrário podem ser alvo de ‘acidentes’ como este…

«Hezbollah fighters are said to have foiled an Israeli commando raid west of Baalbek in eastern Lebanon, after clashes that left one Israeli soldier dead and two others wounded.
Media reports quoted Lebanese security sources as saying on Saturday that Israeli aircraft and commandos raided the village of Bodai, west of the ancient city of Baalbek in the Bekaa Valley, at dawn.
The sources said that Israeli warplanes and helicopters attacked unidentified targets during the air drop of the commandos.
Al-Manar TV reported that fighters from Hezbollah clashed with Israeli commandos near Bodai and forced them to fly out under the cover of air strikes.
The Hezbollah-run station said the Israeli unit landed before dawn and was driving into the village when it was intercepted by the fighters, who forced it to retreat under the cover of warplanes.
It said the fighters had inflicted "certain casualties" among the Israeli forces.
Lebanese security sources said that three Hezbollah fighters were also killed in a firefight.»
(In «Al Jazeera» de 19/08/2006)
As tropas da ONU que forem para o Líbano é bom que levem mísseis anti-tanque dos mais sofisticdos, e mísseis anti-aéreeos dos mais eficientes. Caso contrário podem ser alvo de ‘acidentes’ como este…
«Hezbollah fighters are said to have foiled an Israeli commando raid west of Baalbek in eastern Lebanon, after clashes that left one Israeli soldier dead and two others wounded.
Media reports quoted Lebanese security sources as saying on Saturday that Israeli aircraft and commandos raided the village of Bodai, west of the ancient city of Baalbek in the Bekaa Valley, at dawn.
The sources said that Israeli warplanes and helicopters attacked unidentified targets during the air drop of the commandos.
Al-Manar TV reported that fighters from Hezbollah clashed with Israeli commandos near Bodai and forced them to fly out under the cover of air strikes.
The Hezbollah-run station said the Israeli unit landed before dawn and was driving into the village when it was intercepted by the fighters, who forced it to retreat under the cover of warplanes.
It said the fighters had inflicted "certain casualties" among the Israeli forces.
Lebanese security sources said that three Hezbollah fighters were also killed in a firefight.»
(In «Al Jazeera» de 19/08/2006)