Já se comprovou que a foto marroquina nada tem a ver com Madeleine McCann.
O jornal inglês «The Sun» mantém grade interesse por este tema.
Continuam de pé as hipóteses mais macabras.
« Cops probe McCanns car journey
September 27, 2007
PORTUGUESE police are reportedly investigating a trip Kate and Gerry McCann made to Spain in August.
Detectives still believe the McCanns covered up Maddie's death by hiding her body then moving it to a new location some weeks later.
The couple travelled to the Spanish city of Huelva, just across the border with Portugal, on August 3 as part of their campaign to keep their missing daughter in the news.
But August 3 was a public holiday in Spain and cops are suspicious of Kate and Gerry's movements on this day as they had no official meetings.
The development came as the McCanns remain 'philosophical' despite the disappointment that a girl spotted in Morocco was not their daughter.
Kate McCann’s aunt, Janet Kennedy, said it is not the first time their hopes had been dashed.
She said: “Inevitably it is a disappointment. I think they are very philosophical about it because it’s happened so many times.
“Just suppose Madeleine is in Morocco, what does that mean? You just have to keep on. We are still keeping on with the campaign."
Mrs Kennedy spoke as she joined charity volunteers to package up more than 2,000 cuddly toys and dolls that have been left in the family’s home village of Rothley, Leics, since the four-year-old went missing in Portugal.
Kate and Gerry McCann kept all the messages but the toys were washed by villagers and will be shipped to children in Belarus.
Two orphanages in Zhodina and Bobrusk will receive the shipment after it leaves the UK next week.
Each toy was individually tied with green and yellow ribbons - the symbol of hope in Portugal - and carried a tag with a small picture of Madeleine.
Mrs Kennedy added: “The family are translating this into thinking where our loss in a sense can actually make good some other children’s lives because they wouldn’t normally be having a toy of their own.
“It’s trying to make something positive out of a situation that’s difficult for us.”
Yesterday, a tearful Kate McCann learnt a little girl spotted on a snap taken in Morocco was NOT her lost daughter Madeleine.
The child, a Maddie lookalike, was revealed as local farmer’s daughter Bouchra Benaissa, three.
A source close to the McCanns said: “A glimmer of hope has been snuffed out.”
The little girl thought to have been Madeleine McCann was traced and shown to the world yesterday — shattering the hopes of the lost tot’s parents.
The Sun discovered Moroccan farmer’s daughter Bouchra Benaissa, three, was the blonde child looking remarkably like Maddie in a tourist’s photo.
The snap, taken by a Spanish holidaymaker, triggered a massive search in the remote region where it was taken in northern Morocco.
But yesterday Bouchra’s olive farmer dad Ahmed, 39, cradled her and said: “I am very sorry the little English girl is still missing and hope she is found safe and sound.
“I see why people thought my Bouchra looks like her. But this is my daughter, my lovely daughter.”
His wife Hamida, wearing the same colourful hat she had on in the photo, revealed the family knew nothing of the Maddie mystery until news teams descended yesterday on their village, Zinat. She said: “We are amazed.”
Maddie’s parents Kate and Gerry were said to be “devastated” it was not their daughter, who vanished from the family’s holiday apartment in Portugal on May 3.
A source close to the couple, of Rothley, Leics, said: “They’re back to square one and the heartache goes on.”
The McCanns’ official spokesman Clarence Mitchell said: “It’s very disappointing, a terrible blow. It is obviously an emotional rollercoaster.”
Bouchra and her sisters Aziza, 16, Souhaila, 12, and Mariam, 11, live with their parents in a rundown smallholding on a hillside.
They have no TV and cows roam in downstairs rooms. The snap was taken on August 31 as the family helped a relative carry luggage to a bus stop.
The tripper who took it, Clara Torres, yesterday apologised to the McCanns for sparking the false alarm.
She said in Madrid: “I hope they will realise I was acting in good faith. My intention was not to raise false hopes.”
And yesterday two more women came forward with possible sightings in the North African country, taking the total to SIX.
Fatima Marzouki, 35, of Birmingham, said she saw a girl like Maddie in Agadir amid rumours she was being held in a caravan there by an Irish traveller named John.
Her friend Helen McPherson, 60, thinks she saw Maddie being pushed in a buggy in Marrakech.
Bosses of the Find Madeleine Fund yesterday confirmed they will spend another £80,000 on billboards, some of which will be put up in Morocco.
The fund has raised £1,036,104 — and £300,000 has been spent so far.
The McCanns will also hire private investigators to look for Maddie in countries where there have been sightings, such as Belgium and Morocco.
However they will not hire private detectives in Portugal, as it is against the law to use them there while a criminal inquiry is still ongoing. »
(In «The Sun»)
Esta tese macabra parte do princípio de que Madeleine foi morta e de que os seus pais estão envolvidos, na morte da criança em si, e na ocultação do, eventual, cadáver.
« Suspeitas: Autoridades foram a Espanha tentar perceber o que fizeram os McCann a 3 de Agosto
PJ investiga viagem a Huelva
A Polícia Judiciária está a investigar uma viagem do casal McCann a Huelva, Espanha, realizada no passado dia 3 de Agosto, onde foi usado o Renault Scénic que continha vestígios que se presume serem de Maddie. Estas diligências enquadram-se na teoria, agora mais seguida pelos investigadores, que aponta para a morte da criança e a transladação do cadáver naquele carro. A PJ já recolheu, inclusivamente, imagens de videovigilância em “locais sem sentido” por onde a Renault Scénic terá andado.
A adensar as suspeitas estão alguns pormenores da viagem. Designadamente o facto de durante quase três meses Kate e Gerry terem tido uma intensa agenda mediática, que dispensava a presença da imprensa por toda a Europa. Foi assim até 2 de Agosto, altura em que o pai de Maddie se justificou com problemas intestinais e cancelou todo o programa, que incluía encontros com algumas associações em Huelva.
Gerry faltou nesse dia, mas a PJ soube mais tarde que a deslocação da Praia da Luz àquela cidade espanhola ficou para o dia seguinte, desta vez com o casal e um pequeno grupo de jornalistas. Terá sido a primeira vez em três meses, desde que a filha desapareceu na noite de 3 de Maio.
O mais ‘estranho’ é o facto de nesse dia ser feriado em Huelva. E os McCann não agendaram qualquer encontro, estava tudo fechado – e havia uma grande agitação no centro da cidade. Numa altura em que os inspectores tentam reconstituir milhares de quilómetros ‘injustificados’ da Renault Scénic durante este tempo, o CM sabe que já houve inclusive uma reunião dos responsáveis da investigação com a polícia espanhola.
Depois de terem sido detectados vestígios que podem levar à presença do corpo no carro, a PJ, além de não encontrar justificação para o exagero de quilómetros feitos, já tem na sua posse várias imagens da passagem da carrinha por Espanha, a 3 de Agosto. Carrinha essa que poderá conter a chave do crime. »
(In «Correio da Manhã»)

Já se comprovou que a foto marroquina nada tem a ver com Madeleine McCann.
O jornal inglês «The Sun» mantém grade interesse por este tema.
Continuam de pé as hipóteses mais macabras.
« Cops probe McCanns car journey
September 27, 2007
PORTUGUESE police are reportedly investigating a trip Kate and Gerry McCann made to Spain in August.
Detectives still believe the McCanns covered up Maddie's death by hiding her body then moving it to a new location some weeks later.
The couple travelled to the Spanish city of Huelva, just across the border with Portugal, on August 3 as part of their campaign to keep their missing daughter in the news.
But August 3 was a public holiday in Spain and cops are suspicious of Kate and Gerry's movements on this day as they had no official meetings.
The development came as the McCanns remain 'philosophical' despite the disappointment that a girl spotted in Morocco was not their daughter.
Kate McCann’s aunt, Janet Kennedy, said it is not the first time their hopes had been dashed.
She said: “Inevitably it is a disappointment. I think they are very philosophical about it because it’s happened so many times.
“Just suppose Madeleine is in Morocco, what does that mean? You just have to keep on. We are still keeping on with the campaign."
Mrs Kennedy spoke as she joined charity volunteers to package up more than 2,000 cuddly toys and dolls that have been left in the family’s home village of Rothley, Leics, since the four-year-old went missing in Portugal.
Kate and Gerry McCann kept all the messages but the toys were washed by villagers and will be shipped to children in Belarus.
Two orphanages in Zhodina and Bobrusk will receive the shipment after it leaves the UK next week.
Each toy was individually tied with green and yellow ribbons - the symbol of hope in Portugal - and carried a tag with a small picture of Madeleine.
Mrs Kennedy added: “The family are translating this into thinking where our loss in a sense can actually make good some other children’s lives because they wouldn’t normally be having a toy of their own.
“It’s trying to make something positive out of a situation that’s difficult for us.”
Yesterday, a tearful Kate McCann learnt a little girl spotted on a snap taken in Morocco was NOT her lost daughter Madeleine.
The child, a Maddie lookalike, was revealed as local farmer’s daughter Bouchra Benaissa, three.
A source close to the McCanns said: “A glimmer of hope has been snuffed out.”
The little girl thought to have been Madeleine McCann was traced and shown to the world yesterday — shattering the hopes of the lost tot’s parents.
The Sun discovered Moroccan farmer’s daughter Bouchra Benaissa, three, was the blonde child looking remarkably like Maddie in a tourist’s photo.
The snap, taken by a Spanish holidaymaker, triggered a massive search in the remote region where it was taken in northern Morocco.
But yesterday Bouchra’s olive farmer dad Ahmed, 39, cradled her and said: “I am very sorry the little English girl is still missing and hope she is found safe and sound.
“I see why people thought my Bouchra looks like her. But this is my daughter, my lovely daughter.”
His wife Hamida, wearing the same colourful hat she had on in the photo, revealed the family knew nothing of the Maddie mystery until news teams descended yesterday on their village, Zinat. She said: “We are amazed.”
Maddie’s parents Kate and Gerry were said to be “devastated” it was not their daughter, who vanished from the family’s holiday apartment in Portugal on May 3.
A source close to the couple, of Rothley, Leics, said: “They’re back to square one and the heartache goes on.”
The McCanns’ official spokesman Clarence Mitchell said: “It’s very disappointing, a terrible blow. It is obviously an emotional rollercoaster.”
Bouchra and her sisters Aziza, 16, Souhaila, 12, and Mariam, 11, live with their parents in a rundown smallholding on a hillside.
They have no TV and cows roam in downstairs rooms. The snap was taken on August 31 as the family helped a relative carry luggage to a bus stop.
The tripper who took it, Clara Torres, yesterday apologised to the McCanns for sparking the false alarm.
She said in Madrid: “I hope they will realise I was acting in good faith. My intention was not to raise false hopes.”
And yesterday two more women came forward with possible sightings in the North African country, taking the total to SIX.
Fatima Marzouki, 35, of Birmingham, said she saw a girl like Maddie in Agadir amid rumours she was being held in a caravan there by an Irish traveller named John.
Her friend Helen McPherson, 60, thinks she saw Maddie being pushed in a buggy in Marrakech.
Bosses of the Find Madeleine Fund yesterday confirmed they will spend another £80,000 on billboards, some of which will be put up in Morocco.
The fund has raised £1,036,104 — and £300,000 has been spent so far.
The McCanns will also hire private investigators to look for Maddie in countries where there have been sightings, such as Belgium and Morocco.
However they will not hire private detectives in Portugal, as it is against the law to use them there while a criminal inquiry is still ongoing. »
(In «The Sun»)
Esta tese macabra parte do princípio de que Madeleine foi morta e de que os seus pais estão envolvidos, na morte da criança em si, e na ocultação do, eventual, cadáver.
« Suspeitas: Autoridades foram a Espanha tentar perceber o que fizeram os McCann a 3 de Agosto
PJ investiga viagem a Huelva
A Polícia Judiciária está a investigar uma viagem do casal McCann a Huelva, Espanha, realizada no passado dia 3 de Agosto, onde foi usado o Renault Scénic que continha vestígios que se presume serem de Maddie. Estas diligências enquadram-se na teoria, agora mais seguida pelos investigadores, que aponta para a morte da criança e a transladação do cadáver naquele carro. A PJ já recolheu, inclusivamente, imagens de videovigilância em “locais sem sentido” por onde a Renault Scénic terá andado.
A adensar as suspeitas estão alguns pormenores da viagem. Designadamente o facto de durante quase três meses Kate e Gerry terem tido uma intensa agenda mediática, que dispensava a presença da imprensa por toda a Europa. Foi assim até 2 de Agosto, altura em que o pai de Maddie se justificou com problemas intestinais e cancelou todo o programa, que incluía encontros com algumas associações em Huelva.
Gerry faltou nesse dia, mas a PJ soube mais tarde que a deslocação da Praia da Luz àquela cidade espanhola ficou para o dia seguinte, desta vez com o casal e um pequeno grupo de jornalistas. Terá sido a primeira vez em três meses, desde que a filha desapareceu na noite de 3 de Maio.
O mais ‘estranho’ é o facto de nesse dia ser feriado em Huelva. E os McCann não agendaram qualquer encontro, estava tudo fechado – e havia uma grande agitação no centro da cidade. Numa altura em que os inspectores tentam reconstituir milhares de quilómetros ‘injustificados’ da Renault Scénic durante este tempo, o CM sabe que já houve inclusive uma reunião dos responsáveis da investigação com a polícia espanhola.
Depois de terem sido detectados vestígios que podem levar à presença do corpo no carro, a PJ, além de não encontrar justificação para o exagero de quilómetros feitos, já tem na sua posse várias imagens da passagem da carrinha por Espanha, a 3 de Agosto. Carrinha essa que poderá conter a chave do crime. »
(In «Correio da Manhã»)