Madeleine McCann está na América Latina?
O jornal britânico «The Times» diz que Madeleine McCann, provavelmente, estará na Argentina.
O jornal espanhol «El Mundo» desenvolve a ideia inicial lançada por «The Times».
« Mystery Madeleine call traced to Argentina
David Brown, in Praia da Luz
The mystery call which police believe may contain “credible” information on the disappearance of Madeleine McCann has been traced to a mobile telephone registered in Argentina.
Detectives hope that the caller may hold the clue to the whereabouts of the four-year-old girl who was abducted from the bed of her Algarve holiday apartment 37 days ago.
Kate and Gerry McCann still hope contact can be re-established before Sunday, when they travel to Morocco in the final of a series of visits to raise awareness of their daughter’s disappearance. They now plan to spend at least two more months in Portugal co-ordinating the search for Madeleine.
Although aware of the possibility that their daughter could be dead, they believe it is more likely that they are just one telephone call from having her returned home safely.
The couple hoped that such a message had been received on Wednesday afternoon when British police told them that a “credible” call had been received by the Guarda Civil in Spain from someone claiming to have information about Madeleine’s whereabouts.
Detectives are still investigating the call which they have discovered was made on a telephone registered in Argentina. They have stressed that it could have been made elsewhere in the world.
A police source said: “The call came from an unregistered phone but there was sufficient information to know where it was brought or registered.”
It is understood that authorities in Buenos Aires are attempting to trace the owner of a pay-as-you-go mobile telephone which was registered with an operator in Argentina.
The caller is believed to have demanded to speak to the McCanns and a time was arranged for them to accept the call. The call was considered so potentially significant that the McCanns halted a flight to Amsterdam to help police investigate.
“There was a piece of information that came into the investigation that it was felt it should be told to them [the McCanns] while they were still on the ground,” said the police source.
The couple spent about three hours in the British Embassy in Berlin while police attempted to re-establish contact with the caller. It was thought the McCanns might need to return to Britain to talk to specialist advisers about the call but when contact could not be re-established it was decided that the McCanns should continue their journey to Amsterdam.
A British police source said: “The importance of this line of inquiry is still being assessed and attempts to re-establish contact are continuing.” »
(In «The Times»)
« Portada > Internacional
Una 'pista creíble' sobre el paradero de Madeleine apunta hacia Argentina
LONDRES.- La Policía británica ha informado este viernes de que cuenta con una pista "creíble" que apunta hacia Argentina sobre el paradero de Madeleine McCann, la niña británica de cuatro años desaparecida hace más de un mes en un centro turístico al sur de Portugal, según recoge el diario 'The Times'.
Los agentes informaron a los padres de la niña de una "llamada telefónica creíble" realizada a la policía española el miércoles. Los investigadores han determinado que la comunicación se hizo desde un móvil registrado en Argentina.
Según 'The Times', un hombre dijo saber algo sobre el paradero de Madeleine, pero pidió hablar directamente con sus padres.
En tanto, Kate y Gerry McCann, que siguen recorriendo las principales ciudades europeas en busca de apoyo para dar con la niña, se mostraron esperanzados con la llamada telefónica.
Fuentes policiales informaron de que un hombre llamó anteayer por la noche a la Guardia Civil desde un teléfono prepago y de una compañía que no es europea.
Sin embargo, 24 horas después de la llamada, y tras haberse informado a la familia MacCann, no hubo otro contacto con el hombre.
Kate y Gerry siguen desde Berlín la información que confirme una nueva comunicación. Como parte de su campaña internacional, los McCann visitaron España, Italia, el Vaticano, Alemania y Holanda, y tienen previsto viajar a Marruecos, donde una turista extranjera dijo haber visto a un hombre con una niña que se parecía a Madeleine. »
(In «El Mundo»)