Cruzando informações dos «media» tradicionais e da Internet, parece que Madeleine MacCann está viva e de boa saúde,

provavelmente, em território da Espanha.

«Two people with blankets over their heads - described as male suspects by local media - had also been seen leaving a police station.

Pyjamas identical to Madeleine's
CCTV of a woman and two men with a girl matching Madeleine's description at a nearby petrol station is being analysed. Their car had British number plates.
Sky News understands that the man who forms part of the couple has dark skin and dark, collar-length hair with a middle parting. He is 1.75m tall.
He speaks English, has small glasses and was wearing a white shirt and beige trousers.
The woman is slightly shorter with long, blonde hair. She speaks English.
The other man is tall, well built, middle aged with a full face. He has straight, collar-length dark hair and was scruffy and unshaven, with greying stubble.
He also speaks English, was carrying a military-style backpack and was wearing a shirt with jeans and waistcoat.
And sniffer dogs picked up a trail from the McCanns apartment which led to a neighbouring flat which had been used by a British couple or family.»
«Portuguese Police think she is in Spain,
Please email to everyone you know in Spain»

«CCTV images captured at this petrol station near Praia da Luz show a woman and two men with a girl matching Madeleine's description»

provavelmente, em território da Espanha.

«Two people with blankets over their heads - described as male suspects by local media - had also been seen leaving a police station.

Pyjamas identical to Madeleine's
CCTV of a woman and two men with a girl matching Madeleine's description at a nearby petrol station is being analysed. Their car had British number plates.
Sky News understands that the man who forms part of the couple has dark skin and dark, collar-length hair with a middle parting. He is 1.75m tall.
He speaks English, has small glasses and was wearing a white shirt and beige trousers.
The woman is slightly shorter with long, blonde hair. She speaks English.
The other man is tall, well built, middle aged with a full face. He has straight, collar-length dark hair and was scruffy and unshaven, with greying stubble.
He also speaks English, was carrying a military-style backpack and was wearing a shirt with jeans and waistcoat.
And sniffer dogs picked up a trail from the McCanns apartment which led to a neighbouring flat which had been used by a British couple or family.»
«Portuguese Police think she is in Spain,
Please email to everyone you know in Spain»

«CCTV images captured at this petrol station near Praia da Luz show a woman and two men with a girl matching Madeleine's description»