Os dias do absurdo, numa universidade dos Estados Unidos.
A UNIVERSIDADE é, em princípio, um território da RACIONALIDADE.
O massacre da Universidade Técnica da Virgínia desafia a RACIONALIDADE.
« NBC criticised for screening footage of killer
James Sturcke and Peter WalkerThursday April 19, 2007
Guardian Unlimited

This image from NBC shows Virginia Tech gunman Cho Seung-hui in part of a package apparently mailed to the network on Monday, April 16 between Cho's first and second bursts of gunfire on the Virginia Tech campus. Photograph: NBC/AP
Police today heavily criticised the NBC television channel for broadcasting video, photo and written material compiled by the Virginia Tech gunman, Cho Seung-hui.
The 23-year-old killer posted a package, containing footage in which he railed against fellow students, to the news channel's New York headquarters during a two-hour pause in the shootings.
Last night, NBC broadcast excerpts from the DVD and a 23-page written diatribe in which Cho said he would "die like Jesus Christ". »
A UNIVERSIDADE é, em princípio, um território da RACIONALIDADE.
O massacre da Universidade Técnica da Virgínia desafia a RACIONALIDADE.
« NBC criticised for screening footage of killer
James Sturcke and Peter WalkerThursday April 19, 2007
Guardian Unlimited

This image from NBC shows Virginia Tech gunman Cho Seung-hui in part of a package apparently mailed to the network on Monday, April 16 between Cho's first and second bursts of gunfire on the Virginia Tech campus. Photograph: NBC/AP
Police today heavily criticised the NBC television channel for broadcasting video, photo and written material compiled by the Virginia Tech gunman, Cho Seung-hui.
The 23-year-old killer posted a package, containing footage in which he railed against fellow students, to the news channel's New York headquarters during a two-hour pause in the shootings.
Last night, NBC broadcast excerpts from the DVD and a 23-page written diatribe in which Cho said he would "die like Jesus Christ". »